
The Municipal Building Phone Number is now 908-689-3994

Franklin Township
Municipal Building
PO Box 547
2093 Rt. 57
Broadway, NJ 08808

Phone: 908-689-3994
Fax: 908-689-5803

Franklin Township
Municipal Court
691 Water St.
Belvidere NJ 07823

Phone: (908) 475-5331 ext 1
Fax: (908) 475-2738

Township Committee

David Guth
[email protected]
908-689-3994 ext. 25

Deputy Mayor:
Sarah Payne
[email protected]

Bonnie Butler
[email protected]

Mike Toretta
[email protected]

Rich Herzer
[email protected]

Administrative Offices

Municipal Clerk:
Denise L. Becton
908-689-3994 ext. 15

Township meetings held on first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm unless otherwise advertised differently.

Legal notifications are published in the Express Times-NJ Zone and Express Times.

Township Engineer:
Donna Becker, PE, PP, CME
908-689-3994 ext. 15

Township Attorney:
Kevin Benbrook, Esq.
908-689-3994 ext. 15

Tax Collector:
Sandy Callery, CTC
908-689-3994 ext. 19
Sandy’s office hours will begin Wednesday, May 29th 10am-1pm. You may leave a voicemail and or email and she will get back to you at her earliest convenience. Thank you for your patience as we transition to a new tax collector.

Tax Assessor:
Craig Brotons
908-689-3994 ext. 20
(Tue. 10:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and at the Municipal Building)
[email protected]

Chief Financial Officer:
Margaret Pasqua, CFO
908-689-3994 x16
[email protected]

Zoning Officer:
Jim Onembo
[email protected]

Building and Construction Department:
Northern Regional Office
NJ Dept. of Community Affairs
Office of Local Code Enforcement
171 Route 173, Suite 101
Asbury, NJ 08802
Phone: (908) 713-0722
Fax: (908) 713-0995

Fire Chief/EMS:
Fire Chief – Dave Brown
EMS Captain – Karen Chiu
Franklin Township Fire Department
P.O. Box 43, Broadway, NJ 08808
[email protected]

Shawna Tabert
908-689-3994 x22

Community Center:
Eddy Patient
908-689-3994 ext. 12

Animal Control Officer:
Robert Lagonera

Department of Public Works:
Joe Biel, Foreman
Municipal Garage
Fax: 908-689-3233

Open Space Professionals
The Land Conservancy
19 Boonton Avenue
Boonton, NJ 07005
Twp. Liaison: Aaron Cela
973-541-1010 x27

Open Space Commission
Preserve Your Land
If you are thinking about preserving your land, there are several conservation methods to consider. Preserving your land may also provide additional state and federal tax benefits. Learn more by visiting
Aaron Cela Land Preservation Specialist,
The Land Conservancy of New Jersey
973-541-1010 x27
[email protected]

Kevin Murray
[email protected]

Land Use Board

Administrative Clerk:
Kelley D. Smith
908-689-3994 ext. 13
Email: [email protected]
Monday evenings 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Board meets at 7:30 pm on the 1st Thursday of every Month

Legal notifications are published in the Star Ledger and the Express Times.

Voter Registration

Registration takes place at the Municipal Building during regular business hours.Voting for Districts 1, 2 & 3 are at the Franklin Township Community Center, 2093 Rt. 57, Broadway, NJ.


Franklin Township Elementary School

Board meetings take place at the school on the second Wednesday of each month.

Franklin Township School District Board of Education
Board President
Rudolph (Rudy) DiGilio
689-2958 x400

Warren Hills Regional School District
Middle School – 908-689-0750
High School – 908-689-3050

Warren County Techincal School

Warren County Community College

St Phillips and James

Youth Sports

Youth Association

The Franklin Township Youth Association offers a variety of sports for children who are in the age group of Pre-Kindergarten and 8th grade. The FTYA can be contacted by email at [email protected]. We are also on Facebook @FTYAWarrenCountyNJ or view our website at

The Youth Association meets the second Tuesday of each month.

F.T.Y.A. Sign Up Schedule

The below schedule will give you an idea of what months registrations will take place for the different programs.

Program Month
Soccer May
Field HockeyMay